- Installation
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Declarative Rendering
- Basic Components
- Conditionals and Loops
- Composing with components
- Handling user input
- Animations
- Slots
- Component As Prop
- Device APIs
- React Native
- Ready for more?
- Vue Native Router
- Testing
- Community Libraries
- How does it work?
- How to contribute
React Native
Vue Native transpiles to React Native. React Native is a framework to build native Android and iOS apps using JavaScript.
So, you can one-to-one map Vue Native components to React Native components.
What changes in Vue Native (when compared to React Native)?
• You write .vue files instead of .js
• Any .vue file has three parts which are <template />, <style /> and <script />
• With template
and style
section we use hyphen-case and Pascal case in the script
section. This includes the name of the component, style properties and style names
Vue Native is like a syntactic sugar for React Native. We can import any React Native component as it is and start using it
Relation to Custom Elements
You may have noticed that Vue Native components are very similar to React Native Components. You can use All React Native Component, by making use of the kebab case (hyphen-delimited)
equivalent components. This is because Vue Native is a wrapper around the React Native APIs.